Chapter Eight
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

They conversed in hushed tones.

The two woman had just relayed a report to their queen, who had been relaxing in her quarters, donning a white silky dressing gown, and neither were quite sure how she would react to what they said.

“Are you absolutely certain?” she asked her Amazons as they stood obediently, slightly bowed, in front of her. “There are no doubts?”

“None.” Beline replied, “The Wanatu cannibals killed both of the men.”

There was a respectful silence for a few moments.

Xonya said, “I wish there was something we could have done, my queen. We never intended … ”

“I understand.” Selena spoke grimly, with a misleadingly unreceptive appearance. “It is unfortunate but you did well attempting to divert their attention. It was of their own free will that the men stepped foot in cannibal territory. They were here before and knew the risks. The Professor should have known …” Selena trailed off, uneasy with how disappointed she truly was by the news. She admired both men, especially George Challenger, and Selena was sincerely sorry their lives had ended.

“I don’t care what type of deal we have with the Wanatu,” Xonya whispered, “I hate the idea of …”

“Marguerite!” Selena’s tone rose an octave and her expression perked up when their guest appeared at her open door. “How are you?” She moved passed her warriors and approached their healing but still confused visitor, wondering how much if anything Marguerite had heard. “You look much better. The abrasion on your head is fading and I suspect those scratches on your side, underneath the bandages, are looking better as well.”

With a nod, Marguerite acknowledged Selena but spoke directly to Xonya and Beline, “You saw nothing? Not so much as a footprint?” She asked the trackers, echoing what they had told her earlier. “Not one clue that someone is looking for me?”

“We searched everywhere but there was nothing to find.” Beline said, “I’m afraid if there was someone looking for you, Marguerite, they must have abandoned the search.”

The newcomer stood before them for a count of ten, without saying a word, a look of diminished misery easing over her face. Perhaps those memories she had been assailed with were from a time long ago. Now it seemed they did not matter. Marguerite’s expression quickly grew resolute. She was on her own (as always) and it was time to start looking out for number one. If it was her lot in life to be an Amazon warrior then that is what she would become …

“If my people can so easily abandon me then perhaps I am not as cherished as I thought.” Marguerite’s attention was now directed at Selena, “If you are still willing to have me stay here then I am grateful. I would be honored to become one of your people, Queen Selena, if you will have me.”

“It is we who are honored.” Delighted but sympathetic Selena hugged Marguerite for a moment, the gauze on the sleeves of her gown cloaking Marguerite as if protecting her from harm. Selena then kissed her very gently on the forehead. “I am so very sorry we could not find your friends. But think of this as a new chapter in your life.” Selena parted from her but continued to hold both of Marguerite’s hands. “We will train you to be a sister, warrior and competitor -- a brave, independent woman of fire and steel …”

“Fire and steel …” Marguerite murmured and for a moment seemed lost, thinking about something from a still blurry past. Then, back in focus, she asked, “Am I now an Amazon ?” She was less happy but accepting of what the fates had dished out.

“No, not quite yet.”

“There is an initiation.” Beline approached with Xonya by her side.

“And what is that?”

“Come. I’ll show you.” Selena took Marguerite by the arm and aimed her in the direction of an adjacent room. “I am going to give you a history lesson.” Selena glanced back at Beline and Xonya and told them they could leave.

The next hour washed over Marguerite. Selena brought out a thick book and, flipping through its yellowed and worn pages, explained how every Amazon needed to prove her worth, take care of any precarious situation, be sincere and, probably most of all, give her tribe unconditional loyalty. Most of the ladies had been trained since birth to take command and never betray an Amazon sister. “Being disloyal to your own is the same as cutting your own wrists.” Selena emphasized.

Feeling like a child in boarding school, Marguerite decided the Amazon queen was driving the allegiance message into the ground. She wanted to ask Selena to move it along but managed to keep warily silent.

“Tests,” Selena told her, “are necessary. Once we are absolutely certain of your faithfulness, Marguerite, you will be an Amazon -- with all the rights privileges and obligations the title embodies.”

“Will these tests be dangerous?” Marguerite asked.

Selena paused then, speaking circumspectly, offered: “That depends entirely on you and how daring and capable you truly are, Marguerite.”

Dubious, Marguerite nodded her reluctant acceptance although she was now not as certain she had chosen her calling wisely.


“Roxton, slow down.” Challenger called to the hunter and tugged on his sleeve, “We can’t just open the front gates and walk in.”

“Why not? They know us.” Roxton called back brashly, not losing ground, continuing his quick, long stride. “And if the Amazons have nothing to hide then no harm will come to them.”

The village with it’s massive wooden gates loomed in front of them. Another quarter mile and they would be right outside the entrance.

“John!” Challenger had seen that dangerous ‘come hell or high water’ expression on his friend’s face before and although it had served Roxton well here on the plateau and also on those deep-jungle safaris of the past, it could also be a detriment. “And what about the harm the Amazon’s can do to us? Have respect for these women, Roxton. They demand it. They deserve it.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“You may be putting our lives in jeopardy -- including Marguerite’s. If no one else, think of her.”

Roxton slowed his pace and took a breath. George Challenger was the voice of reason, as always. The hunter knew he was right. It would do neither of them, or Marguerite, any good if he barged in and ordered her immediate return. “Respect.” Roxton repeated, teeth nearly clenching. “Whatever you say, George …” … for now.


Late afternoon came and once again she was on display.

“You were not born an Amazon, Marguerite, and although you have shown us great skill with a whip we do not know how you will react if attacked by our enemies.” Hippolita announced from the grandstand, standing once again beside the seated Selena, “Today is your first test. If you succeed you will be an Amazon. Tomorrow will take you outside our gates. The courage you show there will seal your future.”

Marguerite felt a little ridiculous, wearing a chest protector and standing in the middle of their showground, carrying a sword and shield. Last night had been different, more a demonstration of skill then combat, although it had been in this same arena. She pretty much knew what was to happen then. Marguerite understood she was using her skill, breaking ceramics and glass bottles, but here and now she did not know who she was facing or what was truly expected of her.

Certainly there would be sword play but, at this moment, Marguerite did not even know if she could handle one of these cumbersome things, let alone fight an experienced Amazon warrior. Still, the gladius sword did feel rather comfortable in her hand, just like the whip had yesterday.

However, a small part of Marguerite wanted to ask her hostess if this silly exhibition was necessary. For some reason Selena wanted - NO - needed assurance and quickly. Marguerite could appreciate the Amazon’s desire to check her skill if she was to become one of them but she had only been with the Amazons for a few days -- and was still wounded although, thank goodness, not irreparably. What was the bloody hurry?

Also, not to put too fine a point on it, Marguerite hated having to prove herself. If everyone here was so keen on her staying then why did she have to go through this foolish audition? Still, “ … when in Rome …” she murmured, “… or in this case an Amazon village …” Marguerite blinked at her phrasing. She almost wanted to say something else but the utterance would have been foolish … ‘When in Rome … or Camelot?’ She shook the nonsense in her brain away.

The stands were quickly filling with women and young girls. “I’m quite an event.” Marguerite muttered to herself and looked about. She saw Phoebe and Labrada in the audience, appearing grim but urging her on with applause.

“Amazon, are you ready?!” Hippolita called.

Marguerite lifted the sword to announce her readiness but quickly realized it was not she Hippolita was calling to. Another warrior had entered the arena, wearing similar gear to Marguerite. Only, this woman was masked with a heavy helmet and faceplate. She lifted her sword high and shook it firmly.

“Okay.” Marguerite murmured and watched as the Amazon took up an attack stance. “Time to get serious.”


Roxton and Challenger rounded the perimeter of the Amazon village. It was all heavy wood, stone and mortar.

"We're not going to dig our way through, That's for sure." Roxton said.

"Perhaps something a little more direct?" Challenger offered. "Let's hope the ladies remember us." He cupped his hands around his mouth then called up to the tower over-looking the outside, "Hello!" he called.

An arrow landed in the grass right in front of Roxton and Challenger's feet.

Roxton made a move to pull his rifle but Challenger stopped him.

"Respect." he reminded the hunter, "Wait."

"Who goes there?" came a shout from above.

They could not see the woman. The sun's glare blinded them.

"Friends!" Roxton shouted, "We've come to find our companion. Her name is Marguerite Krux!"

There was a long hesitation then the large wooden double doors began to open.

"Here goes everything." Roxton murmured.


A gong sounded and the crowd roared with excitement.

The warrior suddenly advanced and swung free with her sword.

Marguerite swung out with an unsure but accurate parry. She lifted her shield to block another strike by the Amazon then shoved effectively forward to push the woman away. She was healthy, strong and was taking herself far too earnestly in Marguerite’s estimation. “Hey, we’re both girls here - sisters even if all works out right. Take it easy.”

The women grappled for several minutes, judging each other’s aptitude and trying to fathom weaknesses.

“If I maim you here and now it would be doing you a service.” the woman spoke low from behind her mask.

“Don’t do me any favors.” Marguerite slammed her sword into the warrior’s shield, causing her to totter back from the impact. A dent in the metal of her shield was impressive. However, Marguerite’s intent was to cause the Amazon to drop her armor. She was not cooperating. Marguerite lifted her weapon for the sword thrust she knew would follow. She felt the earlier wound underneath her ribs begin to throb.

Bodies and weapons collided for several seconds but quickly pulled away, panting with the effort.

“Trust me, Marguerite.” The masked woman counseled, “Being an Amazon is not as alluring as the others make it sound. We’ve all sold a little bit of our souls over the last couple of years.”

“Nice try!“ Marguerite shouted. Once again, the women crossed swords and, locked closely together, grunted their effort. Behind the mask Marguerite could see the Amazon’s eyes. They were dark but not as malicious as the mask might have an opponent think.

The warrior unexpectedly whispered: “Get out -- NOW.”

Stunned by the exact words written on the note hidden in her guest quarters, Marguerite’s eyes grew wide and she pushed herself away. “You!” she called, defenses down, and was rewarded with a sudden slash from her opponent. The sharp blade cut into Marguerite’s upper arm.

A moan came from the crowd and the spectators all lurched forward either from where they sat or stood.

Selena looked up at Hippolita, troubled.

A hand quickly moved to the wound. Blood oozed between Marguerite’s fingers. It was not a deep cut but the pain was terrible and Marguerite could feel her tenacity weakening. “Why are you …?”

“Trust me. I am doing you a favor!” The Amazon called and hooked a boot around Marguerite’s left ankle, causing her to fall flat on her back.

Although she still had her shield Marguerite’s sword flew to parts unknown.

She looked up, momentarily helpless, as the warrior loomed above her, lifting her sword as if to land a finishing blow.


The call was not from a woman.

The male-shout did not, for the moment, register as abnormal to Marguerite. She was too sidetracked by her current plight. However, to the women of the village it was a very unusual sound and it, and the disturbed murmurs about them, was enough to distract Marguerite’s deadly assailant.

Marguerite took full advantage of the moment. She lifted her booted foot and slammed the heel hard to the back of the Amazon’s left shin. She toppled like an over-stacked ream of wooden slates. Without hesitation, while the woman was still dazed and in pain, Marguerite crawled over and sat heavily on her stomach. The warriors shields, both hers and Marguerite’s, lay between them and Marguerite rested all the weight of her upper body on them, the pressure causing the warrior to cry out.

The Amazon reach out blindly to the ground for her sword but Marguerite snatched it up. “Looking for this?” she asked, shaking the weapon in front of the defeated warrior.

“Marguerite!” the male-call became louder.

Selena looked to Beline and Xonya who stood to her left.

The women could only shrug their confusion.

Part of the crowd cheered Marguerite’s accomplishment but also looked around them. The shout was coming from outside the arena.

Finally, Marguerite eased up on the pressure then stood. The Amazon still lay on her back. With her sword, Marguerite lifted the face-plate of the woman’s helmet.

Marguerite started. She knew that face … “Lavinia?” Marguerite asked. She had been one of Marguerite’s rescuers. Yet, she had thought from the very beginning that the woman did not care for her. Yet, she never thought …

“Marguerite!” the call came again, louder.

“You are in great danger.” Lavinia hissed urgently, not wavering an inch. “Don’t trust anyone!”

Confused but alerted, Marguerite wasn’t sure what she should do or say. Was this another trial? We’re they testing her loyalty with a trick?

“We have a winner!” Selena stood from her throne and spoke quickly. “Marguerite has shown her courage and competence! She is now an Amazon!”

“Harrah!” Hippolita lifted her sword and motioned for the others in the stand to join in, “Harrah!”

Finally, the cheers sounding all around them, the men broke to the front of the audience. To say their expressions were relieved would be minimizing the complex emotions both men were feeling.

“Marguerite, thank God!” Roxton jumped from the stands and approached her nearly at a run, a huge smile alighting his face, his hands and arms extended for her.

Challenger followed closely, “We thought we lost you …”

Marguerite raised her sword quickly, threatening. “Don’t come any closer!”

The men stopped short, stunned, and stared at her.

“Marguerite, what are you doing?” Roxton asked, hurt and puzzled.

The woman’s eyes were wide as she stared at both men. “I don’t … I don’t know who you are.” she said, simply.

“You are too late. It’s been decreed.” Selena advanced behind Marguerite and placed gentle, congratulatory hands on her shoulders. She looked directly at George Challenger and, despite their unexpected appearance, was pleased to see him. “Marguerite is now one of our people. You have no claim to her.”

“Marguerite.” Roxton lifted a hand, nearly pleading.

“You are a man.” she said, almost as if the word left a bad taste in her mouth, “I am an Amazon.”


Chapter Nine coming soon. (only a couple more to go …)